News & Events Archive
Welcome to our new Coordinator of Caregiver & Bereavement Programs Suzie Quan, MSW,RSW & to our summer student Allie Raso!
Thank you to our fantastic volunteers! Happy National Volunteer Week.
WELLNESS WEDNESDAY-May 10: Intro to Line Dancing
Thank you to "100 Men Who Give a Damn" for nominating HKARH and giving us a chance to talk about the great work we do!
Thank you to King City Lions for the generous donation!!
Healing for the Holidays Fri Dec 16, 2016 @ 2:00pm
Health & Wellness Fairs Fall Expo in benefit of Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill. Sunday November 25
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction offered in Richmond Hill. Orientation: Thur Sep 22, 2016
Welcome to our New Grief & Bereavement Coordinator Malisa Chiu & welcome back to Sheila Darnowski our first Day Hospice Program Coordinator
Annual General Meeting Friday Sep. 16
GRIEF BUSTERS Children's Summer Camp July 11-15
Welcome to Pat Richards -HKA's Interim Bereavement Coordinator
Mar 23 - May 25, 2016 Contact Georgina to register
MEDITATIVE DANCE Monday April 11, 2016
Wellness Wednesday 2nd Wednesday of the month
Mindful Movement Yoga Mondays @ 2:15pm in Richmond Hill.
HKA is pleased to welcome former Hospice Richmond Hill Volunteers to the HKA Team!!
HKA's service area expands to include Richmond Hill.
Mindful Movement Yoga Mondays @ 2:15 in Richmond Hill.
Thank you to PATRICE GRAHAM-BROWN for sponsoring our Program Room Revamp.
MEDITATIVE DANCE Mon. Jan. 25, 2016 @ 7:00pm. One night only.
HEALING FOR THE HOLIDAYS Candle Lighting Memorial Thur Dec 17 @ 3:00-5:00pm at HKA
Thank you to INVESTOR'S GROUP for supporting HKA through their Golf Tournament & Employee Volunteer Grant Program
Wed Nov 25 10am-1pm
Glitterbug "Twistt" Jewelry Sale Sunday November 15 1:00-5:00pm
Thank you to Debbie Homewood for her amazing talk on Spirituality & Hope in Hospice Care. Slide presentation is available here.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to take place on Friday September 18 @ 11:30am for information.
Thanks to Jon at 905BJJ for teaching our Grief Buster's Kids Camp the healing power of Jiu Jitsu!
at the "All For Community Challenge".Two amazing Board Members WIN $5,000 for HKA!
GRIEF BUSTERS summer bereavement camp running July 13-17 & July 20-24
Seneca students hold successful fundraiser for HKA
Thank you to the hikers, volunteers & supporters of our Hike for Hospice. What a FANTASTIC DAY it was for a walk in the woods! A special thank you to Arbour Memorial for their generous donation.
running Thursdays May 7 to June 25, 2015
MEDITATIVE DANCE an Introductory Experience - Mon Mar 23, 2015 @ 7:00pm
FOOD & DIGESTION Healthy Living program in partnership with York Region Food Network starts
Wed Feb 25 @ 9:30am
MINDFUL MEDITATION - with Darlene Nicholson
starts Sun Feb 15 @ 1:30pm
Thank you to the JITTERBUG BALL attendees, sponsors & donors. It was a tremendous success!
Tuesday October 7, 2014 - Children & Teen 8-week bereavement program starts (6:30-8:00pm)
Wednesday October 1 @ 1-3pm Picking Up the Pieces Program (10-week program) registration required
Thursday September 4, 2014 @ 11:30am - Annual General Meeting
Jitterbug Ball - Friday October 17, 2014
Dates for Grief Busters - Children's Bereavement Camp Announced - July 7-11 & July 14-18, 2014.
May 23, 2014 - Retirement & Appointment of Executive Director - Message from Chair
Hike for Hospice - Sunday May 4, 2014
April 1, 2014 - HKA receives re-certification of our Level Two Accreditation with Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
February 7, 2014 - HKA wins Voluntary Sector Reporting Award & is named Exemplar in financial reporting
APRIL 1, 2014 - HKA receives re-certification of
our Level Two
Accreditation with
Hospice Palliative
Care Ontario
HKA wins Voluntary Sector Reporting Award & is named Exemplar in financial reporting.