by Blair, Visiting Volunteer
Why should we have to journey alone? Visiting those who are nearing the last stages of life gives me the privilege of accompanying my fellow humans as they journey. No need for fancy words or fancy thoughts and reflections. Just being present to the other is quite enough.
Over quite a few years, I have visited many who are approaching life's end, most of them elderly. In some cases, the visits have gone on for many years; in others, the visiting has ended swiftly. The common thread for me is that these people give me a great privilege. In varying degrees, I have felt and continue to feel close to all of those I have been able to visit.
I have a firm conviction that our lives have meaning from start to finish, and even after death. It can be easy to slide into facile attitudes of usefulness. What use is life when one is too old, frail or ill to accomplish much. I hope that my visits shout loudly that all lives have value. And as difficult as that may be sometimes, I hope that those I visit will see that value.
Hospice proclaims to all that the lives of those who need palliative care are worthwhile and full of meaning.
I thank Hospice King-Aurora for providing me with this opportunity for my own personal growth and to be with those nearing the end of life.
Blair Day, has been a visiting volunteer since 2001 and was the 2012 HKA recipient of the June Callwood Award for Volunteerism.